Mahi Rakau

Here you can see I'm using the rakau under the feet. This has many benefits to help in the body align and expel tension from the feet up.

I use Kanuka oil

Kanuka Oil

Kanuka has many uses in the video below I will go through some of the uses.

Kanuka is available in our store via the link below we only do small batches so please be quick.

Kanuka Oil

Tupu-aa-Rangi is the songstress

Tupu-aa-Rangi is the songstress.  She sings, vibrates and resounds her energy and gift to the whanau (family) of Te Was Nui aa Taane, all the children of the great forests of Taanemahuta.   She sings to revive the forests, all creatures are included.  From Tupu-aa-Rangi we learn the importance of sharing of gifts whatever they may be, with others. Because of that, we get to appreciate the gifts (taonga) shared by others.

- Waipunarangi [joins with her grandmother (Papatuuaanuku) and honours the roles the waters of the land and sky play.  The great oceans, the seas, the lakes, the rivers, the creeks, the rain, all waters including that contained in our body's.  She works to ensure our waters are fresh and clean, that the food growing within the waters is sustained.

Waitii raua ko Waitaa [are Matariki's twin daughters.  They work together in harmony, balance, and simple joys of life/living.  They care for the small creatures of the earth, sea, and sky.

Ururangi [the youngest child is bossy.  She pulls rank on her sisters, by sitting on the knees of her grandmother (Papatuuaanuku).  Her tenacity, determination and excitement enable the multitudes on earth and in the many galaxy's they traverse to be of right mind (settled inside).

Matariki is an important star system in our hemisphere.

Matariki is an important star system in our hemisphere.  There are many stories that abound about Matariki. 

The Pleiades is the Greek name for this cluster of stars.  For us, it is Matariki - Eyes of God.  Or Eyes of the Ariki (Gods).  This is an important time in the Maramataka (Maaori calendar) for Matariki because it heralds the advent of the Maaori New Year.  My friend Makuini Ruth Tai says our maramataka and the Mayan calendar are very similar.

Matariki, known as the Seven Sisters in other country's, will speak of the spring/summer to come.  I've heard my Uncle's saying, 'The brighter the star system, the best the coming seasons.'  Meaning the fruits, the rains, the gardens will be lush and strong, vibrant and sweet.

Matariki, the whaea (mother), is surrounded by her 6 daughters;

- Tupu-aa-Nuku [the eldest daughter.  Her gift is her attendance and nurturing to plants/trees for kai/food, rongoaa/medicines, kakahu/clothes, and some of the lower weather patterns.  Tupu-aa-Nuku reminds us to take time out, to be with nature, to grow and cultivate our skills and strengths, that they benefit all.