to May 26

US And Europe


Kia ora whanau, Yes we are on the move below are the dates of our next tour.


4th - 7th April

Los Angeles, CA (Topanga Canyon)

Bodywork Sessions

Bookings: staroakland@gmail.com or (310) 254 0915



9th April

The Farm Club, Manchester

Mahi Raakau - Self Help / Self Healing workshop

Bookings:  https://calendly.com/maori-healers

10th - 11th April

The Farm Club, Manchester

Bodywork Sessions

Bookings:  https://calendly.com/maori-healers

13th - 14th April

Heath Robinson Museum,  London

Bodywork Sessions

Bookings:  https://calendly.com/maori-healers

15th - 16th April

Stanmer Village, Brighton

Bodywork Sessions

Bookings:  https://calendly.com/maori-healers


17th April


Bodywork Sessions

Bookings:  https://calendly.com/maorihealersswitzerland

Thursday 18th April

Schuur Bulach

Bodywork Sessions

Bookings:  https://calendly.com/maorihealersswitzerland

19th April


Bodywork Sessions

Bookings:  https://calendly.com/maorihealersswitzerland


20th April


Bodywork Sessions

Bookings:  https://calendly.com/maorihealersswitzerland

21st April


Bodywork Sessions

Inquiries:  shantilifecoach@gmail.com  


23rd - 28th April 

Ribeiradio, Quinta Galegas Retreat

Kawa Ariki – The Goddess Returns Woman’s Workshop

Bookings:  KawaAriki2024Portugal@gmail.com


29th April - 1st May


Bodywork Sessions

Bookings: sandrinebishof@gmail.com


3rd May

Miami, Florida

Bodywork Sessions

Bookings:  https://www.greatmahakala.org/events/maori-healers-bodywork


4th – 9th May

Miami, The Great Mahakala Retreat

Kawa Ariki – The Goddess Returns Woman’s Workshop

Bookings:  KawaAriki2024Miami@gmail.com

10th May

New York City, NY

Bodywork Sessions

Bookings:  olivia.olkowski@gmail.com

12th – 14th May

New York City, NY

Bodywork Sessions

Bookings:  mellystar@earthlink.net

15th - 18th May

Grass Valley, CA

Bodywork Sessions

Bookings:  poet.roseate@gmail.com or (530) 913-7442

19th - 21st May

Concord, CA

Bodywork Sessions

Bookings:  accesswill2@gmail.com

23rd - 24th May

Los Angeles, CA (Beverly Hills)

Bodywork Sessions

Bookings:  vivian@vivie.com or (310) 920-3420

25th May

Los Angeles, CA (Mt. Washington)

Bodywork Sessions

Bookings:  meadow.greenstonefarm@gmail.com or (323) 517-3177

26th May

Los Angeles, CA (Silverlake)

Bodywork Sessions

Bookings:  sevenmcdonald@gmail.com or (213) 448-3050

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Te Rongopae - A clear bright horizon
to Dec 6

Te Rongopae - A clear bright horizon

Join us for a unique Maori Bodywork training in Aotearoa, New Zealand; featuring the ancestral arts of Romiromi and Mirimiri. This 14-day workshop includes Taa Miri, Paa Miri, Rau Miri, cultural immersion, time with Elders, marae-style accommodation, and most meals. The workshop fee includes transportation from Auckland International Airport, workshop

materials and visits to sacred spiritual lands held dear to the Tangata Whenua, the people of this land (as time allows).

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to Oct 21

US Tour dates

Thursday 14th - Monday 18th September  NYC 1:

Olivia Olkowski - contact email olivia.olkowski@gmail.com

+1 917 215 4866

Tuesday 19th - Thursday 21st September NYC 2:
Melanie Johl - mellystar@earthlink.net

Sunday 24th - Wednesday 27th September Knoxville / TN:

Ana Goncalves - agoncalves@anagoncalves.net
+ 865 250 8812
Elodie Lafont - 
+ 865-292-3239
Venue to be advised
Go Miami, Florida, arrive evening Wednesday 27th September

Thursday 28th - Monday 2nd October Miami, FL:
Jill Patterson - jillinmiami@gmail.com
German Olano - german9596@gmail.com
+ 305 305 9596

Tuesday 3rd - Friday 6th October, Grass Valley, CA:

Loraine Webb - poet.roseate@gmail.com
Soleil Webb - +1 530 913 7442
Venue to be advised
Loraine, can we complete 3pm 6th Oct for travel to San Francisco

Saturday 7th - Sunday 8th October, Oakland, CA:
Holly Pinay - pinaymujer@gmail.com
+ 415 235 6479
Luanda Wesley - 
+ 510 928 0234

Tuesday 10th - Thursday 12th October, Concord:

Joey Chawla - joeychawla@yahoo.com
+ 1 925 639 0145
Venue to be advised

Friday 13th - Sunday 15th October, Clayton:
Will Scott - accesswill2@gmail.com
+ 925 325 3168

Tuesday 17th - Friday 20th October, LA 1:
Harold Turk - harold@haroldturk.com
+ 818 929 8198

Saturday 21st - Tuesday 24th October, LA 2:
Star Oakland - staroakland@gmail.com
+ 310 254 0915

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9:00 PM21:00

PURE, a spiritual cleansing at the seaside in Ahipara.  

What is happening?

I am noticing those who come to the clinic, are carrying in the body, the mind, the wairua, and the emotional self, a mamae / a pain.  

This is NOT a normal pain, otherwise it wouldn't exist or stay long in the body.   Why? Because there was nothing to 'feed' it.

Now, people are experiencing increasing amounts of energy sapping challenges  themselves, which affects their relationships with self and others and how they interact or don't.  

Anxiety (in the body), anxiousness (in the mind), kehua (energy attacks), a deep tension holding riri (more a ragethan an anger) are affecting who we can be.  

Our young are becoming fearful, their bravery has taken a hit, they see their whanau / family members struggling.  They retreat within.

Our elderly were once heard and acted upon.  Now most withhold their spoken word or become silent.  Along with a wealth of many other reasons of course and not all family made.

Parents are challenged at many turns with needs for their children.  And, they have to find themselves within those roles.

The same is for those childless adults, teens, young teens.  The body is in need, seeking release, seeking repair, seeking......

What can be done to help?

Tuesday, March 7th at 9pm, we are holding a PURE, a spiritual cleansing at the seaside in Ahipara.  

Papa Joe Delamere, Manu Korewha, Aunty Heni Phillips, Reina Ferris, Makuini Ruth Tai, Hirini Reedy and many others used this practice to cleanse, centre and settle the person.

If you want to attend, please let us know, so that we can account for everyone prior to going into the water and upon coming out.

If you have children, either leave them at home (if possible and especially if young) OR take care of them, by making sure you know where they are at all times.

If you have Elders coming, ensure someone can drive them to the waters edge or assist them coming down and be with them during the event.  They need not get into the deep of the water, as it's enough for them to stand ankle deep (check the tide flow and ebb).  

There is no charge for this event.  But if you want to leave a koha, we can record the amount and your name.  This will then be gifted to those experiencing continued hardship from the recent floods, either in Pangaru, Motuti, Omapere, Hawkes Bay, Auckland etc. 

Our aim?

People are in need.  We recognise this and Pure is one of the ways to help.

This is not a sideshow for people to come and watch, or to video, come only if you are going to participate and need help.

We have no idea how long this can take, so be prepared to last the distance.  If you know you can't, or think you can't, stand on the shoreside, you'll be taken care of while we are in the water.

On this one I will be holding people accountable, so ensure you are there for the right reasons, because this is tapu / sacred.

If your house is in need of a cleansing, bring a glass bottle (preferable), after we've completed, ask Tangaroa (the sea) if you can take some seawater home.   Sprinkle the water around your home inside and out, on the land where your home is, all doors, windows and gates as they are portals for energy to enter and exit.


We will meet at Paripari, where Poroa's pou stands.  

Parking is good, and high tide is at 12am so we may be able to use the top of the beach area. 

It will be dark.  Bring torches, please don't take your phones in the water with you because things happen and your phone will take a dip.

If anyone has spare Tiki torches or solar lights that we can put just below the parking area, that would be awesome.  

Bring a towel, a change of clothes and have something warm for when you get out of the water, as it may get cold.

For those who may not know where Paripari is, it is before the public toilets around the foreshore of Ahipara.


NO FOOD!  I'll repeat that,  N O    F O O D!  

Eat at home.  Bring water if you feel you need it, but nothing down the seaside at all.

Sea or shore.

If you are in the sea, stay there until all is completed.

If you are on the shore, stay there, in silence, and hold the space while others are in the water.

We go in as a group, women in the inner circle holding hands, do not let go. 

Men circle surrounding them, unless otherwise indicated by Tangaroa, Atarangi etc.

Tangaroa Ngaropo will be leading the Takutaku / Karakia and others who want to assist, thank you.  

While we may all know PURE, everyone is different, so find out first what is best.

I hope the information is clear and easy to follow.

Ngaa mihi

Atarangi Muru

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Yoga Hike
10:00 PM22:00

Yoga Hike

Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit.

Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Donec sed odio dui. Donec sed odio dui. Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum. Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit.

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Instructor Training
7:00 AM07:00

Instructor Training

Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Donec sed odio dui. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit.

Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros.

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Yoga Aerobics
12:30 AM00:30

Yoga Aerobics

Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla.

Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Donec sed odio dui.

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