Matariki is an important star system in our hemisphere.

Matariki is an important star system in our hemisphere.  There are many stories that abound about Matariki. 

The Pleiades is the Greek name for this cluster of stars.  For us, it is Matariki - Eyes of God.  Or Eyes of the Ariki (Gods).  This is an important time in the Maramataka (Maaori calendar) for Matariki because it heralds the advent of the Maaori New Year.  My friend Makuini Ruth Tai says our maramataka and the Mayan calendar are very similar.

Matariki, known as the Seven Sisters in other country's, will speak of the spring/summer to come.  I've heard my Uncle's saying, 'The brighter the star system, the best the coming seasons.'  Meaning the fruits, the rains, the gardens will be lush and strong, vibrant and sweet.

Matariki, the whaea (mother), is surrounded by her 6 daughters;

- Tupu-aa-Nuku [the eldest daughter.  Her gift is her attendance and nurturing to plants/trees for kai/food, rongoaa/medicines, kakahu/clothes, and some of the lower weather patterns.  Tupu-aa-Nuku reminds us to take time out, to be with nature, to grow and cultivate our skills and strengths, that they benefit all.