He aha te mea nui, he tangata, he tangata, he tangata.

Tangata Whenua -All People of the Land:

Ka mate, ka mate

Ka ora, ka ora

Tis death, tis death

Tis life, tis life.

As a race of people we are being asked to transition, take responsibility for all actions we have each done over the many millennia that we have traversed Papa Tua Nuku - Earthbound Mother.

We are of an Infinite Source (God) and as we awaken to our potential we go from individual to global and global to universal.  Our ability to respond (responsibility) and be the protectors of the innocent, the guardians of the planet and her health, all life forms and ourselves we awaken within that whom we call IO - (my) Internal Order (referenced often by Hohepa Delamere aka Papa Joe).

One of my elders that I studied with for 10 years spoke of a time yet to come, where the truth that one spoke was the medicine for healing the body.  It is powerful and vibrant and so ready to be used and put to work.

The truth is the inner and outer healer.  When someone asks you a question, give him or her the truth NOT your truth and this is a lesson I have learnt time and time again, particularly when my ego is busy.

Every generation has had 'a time', a happening that made that year stand out.  My belief is we have reached 'a time' of testing the status quo or going for a reset. 2020 will be known as the CoVid19 year, where the world almost shut down.  

We have a choice, continue the old pathway or strive to walk a new pathway.  And on that new pathway a greater belief in the self and it's ability to love, to heal, to be is a must.

A simple remedy that one of my Aunts always spoke of was to allow our thoughts to be simple, positive and with a blessing to the issue that was affecting us.

Simplicity is the answer here, keeping it simple, breaking it down to one step at a time, heals and saves us from ourselves, our perceived burdens.

Atarangi Muru 2020 ©